Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Making Grass Rope With Kids
Grass ropes are a fun and easy activity for any group of people, from adults to kids as young as 7 or 8 years old. Building the rope requires teamwork and cooperation. Testing the strength of the rope through games of tug-o-war is an opportunity for great camaraderie and raucous competition. All can be accomplished in less than an hour. Rabbitstick and Winter Count are a great place for kids of all ages to learn primitive skills.

At this year's Rabbitstick Rendezvous Tom Elpel of Pony, Montana taught a class on making grass ropes, as shown in the video below. Be sure to look for his Grass Ropes article in the Fall 2011 Bulletin of Primitive Technology.

Revisit this 1o minute slide show from Rabbitstick 2010. This will give you a pretty good idea what a Backtracks Primitive Skills Gathering is all about.

Christian Noble Production

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

February 12-18
September 9-15
(Go to for full details)

July 8-14, 2012
(see what's up at

Monday, December 19, 2011

A photo from ca.1990: Left - David Wescott, center - Dick Jamison, right - Larry Dean Olsen. The genealogy of skills traditions is an important thing to remember.

A Genealogy of Skills Traditions

In 1988, Larry Dean Olsen (author of Outdoor Survival Skills and founder of the Woodsmoke Journal in the late 70s) gave us permission to use the Rabbit Stick name to reinvent this unique teaching and learning experience. Rabbit Stick Rendezvous had been discontinued after the 1978 event, so our reissue of the new event as Rabbitstick after 20 years marked the reintroduction of an important part of the contemporary primitive skills movement. 2012 marks our 25th year of hosting this nationally recognized gathering (For information visit us at

In 1979, Dick and Linda Jamison (authors and creators of the acclaimed Woodsmoke books and video series) took over as hosts and called their event the Woodsmoke Rendezvous. In 1982 the name was changed to the Woodsmoke Primitive Living Conference, and was discontinued shortly after that. Last year, we approached the Jamison’s asking permission to use theWoodsmoke name for our newest skills gathering. They not only granted permission, but promised that if health issues would allow, they would join us at the new gathering. 2012 will mark 30 years since a Woodsmoke gathering has been held. If you're interested in Bushcraft or Classic Camping Skills, make sure you don’t miss this important anniversary event July 8-14, 2012 (For information click on the Camp and Trail X button in the column at right).

February 12-18, 2012
What a way to start off your New Year.
Don't miss it !

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