The 2009 Rabbitstick Instructional Staff -
90+ great teachers and mentors of the oldways.
Of all that goes on in primitive technology,
Rabbitstick is the "Mother Church."
Steve Watts
Welcome to our blog !

Well, we have learned that trying to interface with the cyberworld using sticks and rocks will probably not work out. We have been lucky in that our gatherings can still focus on the traditional ways of passing on knowledge and skill, but I guess it's time to make the big step toward connecting with our Backtracks supporters through our latest effort - the RS-WC blog. After 25+ years of operating in the stone age, this is more of a giant leap than a step.
The purpose of this blog is keep everyone up to date on what's happening at Backtracks* in a more timely manner. It's interesting to note that a group so fascinated with primitive skills is easier to contact through the internet than any other way - trying to maintain a current mailing list is a nightmare, and cellphone numbers change or land-lines don't exist at all for many (by definition, our homes are mobile, but are cars aren't). We are doing this as a sort of "thank you" for the efforts of so many people that make our events unique and exciting. Our plan is to post event reports, updates and information for both instructional staff and participants who attend our gatherings. Our website - backtracks.net - will still function, but we hope this spot will keep you connected with more current updates.
The field of primitive living skills is alive, well and growing because of the interest and support of people such as yourself. We still get calls everyday from someone who says "I thought I was the only one out there who did this stuff. It's great to find out that I'm neither crazy or alone." Welcome to the world of Rabbitstick. - Wescott
*Note we are also maintaining blogs that focus on our other projects - Classic Camping, Society of Primitive Technology, and Thomson Farm - URLs will be available soon.
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